Winged Seeds

What is a winged seed?

“I decided to protect it, to care for it. I fed it good food, I worked with it, I played with it. But most of all, I gave it my attention.” (What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada)

A winged seed is an idea that is born as an offshoot of another idea that appears to the world in the form of documentaries, books, films, chapbooks, art exhibitions to mention a few, and then goes on to take a life of its own. The world traditionally calls such a winged seed a review.

We are looking for reviews of artistic documents and exhibitions for this section. However, we are looking for reviews that not only capture the narrative of a creative piece, but also delve deep into its philosophy.

We are open to the idea of coordinating a match between willing reviewers and creative pieces to be reviewed.

Submissions to Winged Seeds are open all year round. Submissions to WINGED SEEDS should be sent to thepineconereview@gmail com with the subject line: WINGED SEEDS .

Read the complete submission guidelines here

In Focus

coffee with a coffinmatters of death in life 

Dr. Khusi Pattanayak

shrouded in mystery yet inevitable, death conquers all. coffee with a coffin tries to explore this inevitability through the lens of awareness, encouraging each individual to live a life that homes death in its consciousness.

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